In ancient LDDLM times, BLDDLM even, Belgium could well have been the freaky house and ecstasy center of the world. If only we could remember all the lost hours. But after all, as the Brussel saying goes: its Friday, tomorrow is Tuesday. At LDDLM, we try not to reminisce, that was just setting the mood.We are very happy to welcome ARTHUR JOHNSON in our non-fold, a young producer from Liege via Marseille and La Dame Noir. AJ is amongst those ever mutating artists, his u-turns slowly composing a real personality, and one fitting our contrarian attitude. In a way PERFECT STRANGER reminds us of a good 90’s Farley/Heller remix, not so much camp Fire Island than almost sweaty late night trancer. We love those tracks that do not fit our ethos a priori but that we can’t stop playing. COSMO VITELLI is a long time family friend and he beams up this stranger through the axis into some kind of romantic italo-german anthem. BALLADA and SECRETARY DISCORDIA show a different side of AJ, a dub march echoing Dif Juz and a percussive machine funk number. We sincerely hope AJ keeps on straying for the best, his way being our way.