Reclaim Your City welcomes Wrong Assessment, Alfredo Mazzilli, Newa, Skyra
After traversing the globe through epicentres that have established Techno as a genre thats here to stay, such as Berlin, New York, and London, Reclaim Your City digs deeper to uncover some more modern capitals that are bubbling from underneath like Stockholm, Buenos Aires and Madrid. The label only continues to expand into underground culture to deliver sounds from some of the best local talent of Tbilisi and Milan for their ninth release. The A-Side presents tracks from Milan-based artists Wrong Assessment and Alfredo Mazzilli to showcase the strength in their growing scene. Wrong Assessment's 'Milano' demonstrates a dynamic rave track with a prudent build, much like the Trance that graced Italian dance floors in the early 00's, while Alfredo Mazzilli's 'Crossing Boarders' paints dreamlike state with a harmonic array of synths. With Tbilisi representing the records' B-Side, the rhythms delve in to a much more unrefined state as Newa and Skyra deliver tracks which emerged from the recent political upheaval that swept the city. Newa's 'Easy' is an irresistible groover with a heavy low end, while Skyra's 'Love' is the epitome of peak time euphoria with its psychedelic-leaning whispers and addictive beat.