First Long-Player of Rico Puestel
A desert consists of totally diverse particles - not one is equal and all are changing constantly. Savanguard is like a desert, inspired by the difference of sounds. The first long-player of Rico Puestel stands for his early experience in music and his versatile taste which grew over the years. Jazz elements in You Were Here , winding synths in Van Ferry which remind us of the golden 80 s and a pop attitude in Volute - the whole album is one large-scale sound research and all particles are matching within completely different tracks. Vocals are used sparely and there's no rigid focus on the club scene. Savanguard is an adventure, it tells a story with many breaks and changes in its plot while some tracks remind you of the good old times, when electronic music was built in a small studio with equipment stacked up to the ceiling. These songs like Ubiquitous Ropes and The Third Part Of The Moon are build organically and analogically with details so clear and genuine. A desert can be warm and cold, it can be dusty and clear - there are small elements building one big thing and Savanguard is exactly like this: Entirely changing with every replay.