Track für Track bauen wir eine Kommuna aus etablierten Künstlern und unbekannten Studiobewohnern, die unsere Leidenschaft für die Musikentdeckung teilen ohne dabei bestimmten Genrebeschränkungen zu folgen.
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Bohemian Materialism EP is the first release of our freshly revamped Kommuna imprint. The A-side features a UK garage infused 2-stepper from the up and coming producer Crump, while label owner CMYK explores the more melodic side of the breakbeat sound. The collaboration between Kommuna's co-founder Pekkuliar and Driahn produces the goods for the B-side with a ghetto/reggae take on the 2-step sound while the EP concludes nicely with a feel-good remix from Imprints mastermind Domenico Rosa.
Track by track, we are building a Kommuna of both well-established artists and unknown studio dwellers, who share our obsession for music discovery without following any particular genre limitations.