Die australische Band Pleasure Symbols tritt 2019 physisch und stilistisch mit der bevorstehenden Veröffentlichung ihrer ersten vollständigen Platte Closer and Closer Apart in eine neue Phase ein. Drei Jahre sind seit der Veröffentlichung ihres Debüt vergangen. Zusammen mit seinem Musikerkollegen Steven Schnorrer begann das Duo den Vorstoß zu einem Post-Punk-Sound der 80er Jahre mit einem Pop-Noir-Touch. Die Entscheidung das Album selbst aufzunehmen und zu produzieren gab Ihnen die Freiheit sich Zeit zu nehmen um zu wachsen und in eine neue Richtung als Songwriting-Duo zu gehen.
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Australian band Pleasure Symbols enter a new phase in 2019, physically and stylistically with the forthcoming release of their first full length record Closer and Closer Apart. Three years have passed since the release of their debut, self-titled EP through Avant!. The time away being a necessary moment of reflection and regeneration for singer, songwriter and bassist Jasmine Dunn. Joined by fellow musician Steven Schnorrer, the duo began the push towards a more 80's inspired post-punk sound with a 'pop noir' twist. Deciding to record and produce the album themselves, gave the freedom to take time to grow and explore their new direction as a song writing duo. Despite current trends in popular music, Pleasure Symbols continues to focus on a more guitar based post punk, dream-pop sound, while slowly diverging from a previous minimal wave, synth based musical output. With themes of desire for desires sake and self confrontation, the new musical direction may seem initially harrowing, but look closer and you will see vulnerability and tenderness triumph over the struggle of the human experience.