Hand numbered edition of 275 copies! STANDING OVATION war ein kurzlebiges Projekt aus Clacton on Sea, Großbritannien, das 1982 von dem sehr jungen Paul Bramhall und Glen Redgen während ihres Highschool-Studiums ins Leben gerufen wurde. Bewaffnet mit einem Casio MT40, einem Korg Polysix, einem Korg M500 und einem Boss DR55 Drumcomputer sowie einer Gitarre und einem Bass buchten sie am 22. Oktober 1983 ein lokales Studio und nahmen zwei Songs an einem Tag auf. Die beiden Tracks wurden kurz darauf vom ebenfalls lokalen Label Falling A auf Kassette veröffentlicht. Sie machten weitere zwei Jahre elektronische Musik und suchten nach Mitarbeitern in den Zeitungen, in denen sie einen Schlagzeuger und einen Leadgitarristen unterhielten.
STANDING OVATION was a short lived project from Clacton on Sea, UK, created by the very young Paul Bramhall and Glen Redgen in 1982, while they were still at high school. Armed with a Casio MT40, a Korg Polysix, a Korg M500 and a Boss DR55 drum machine plus a guitar and a bass they booked a local studio on 22nd October 1983 and recorded two songs in one day. The two tracks were released on cassette by the also local Falling A label shortly after. They continued making electronic music for a further two years and seeking collaborators through the papers they managed to include a drummer and a lead guitarist, but the sound changed and was no longer the electronic sound that Paul desired. After a few local gigs they drifted apart with musical differences.
The WHAT MEANING / TIMES OF FUN cassette didn’t have much repercussion back then and being impossible to find nowadays we decided to give it another try on vinyl. WHAT MEANING is a true minimal synth masterpiece, with its pulsating bassline and overall dark feel. This genre just doesn’t get any better. TIMES OF FUN is a much brighter, poppy tune that puts a smile on your face.
The two songs have been transferred and remastered from the original ¼” reel tape and the also minimalistic but beautiful hand-drawn original artwork has been adapted and enhanced to fit this 7” release.
We are immensely proud to bring it to you as a limited, hand numbered edition of 275 copies, housed in an old-fashioned, matt finish card-sleeve including a download code.