Wir sind zurück! Fast zwei Jahre sind seit der Veröffentlichung unseres Albums Metropoli vergangen und wir haben wir beschlossen, eine Single auf Vinyl zu veröffentlichen, die möglicherweise Teil unseres zukünftigen Albums sein wird, das für 2O2O auf Bordello A Parigi geplant ist.
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We are back! After almost 2 years since the release of our album "Metropoli", we decided to release a one off vinyl I2" single that maybe will be part, maybe not, of our future album scheduled for 2O2O on Bordello A Parigi records. After playing live all around Europe and meeting our fantastic audience, we thought it was right to go back to our Italo roots in full effect. "Now Or Never" is an energic and dirty Italo club track going straight to the dance floor, no compromise! On the b-side you'll find our rendition of the legendary track "(Do You Have) The Force" by the great French project The Droids that we've been playing already since a couple of years. Mastering was done by the mighty Alden Tyrell, background vocals by our dreamy collaborator Francesca Gastaldi and graphic design by MILKPLUS.