Zum 4-jährigen Jubiläum macht das Pariser Label mit einer neuen Compilation Hexagonal Club keine Ausnahme und bringt diese neue französische House-Szene mit vielfältigen Einflüssen, von gefiltertem Disco-House über Dschungel-Einflüsse bis hin zu perkussivem Deep House, wieder zusammen Sounds oder mehr gebrochene Beat-orientierte Universen.
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Four years after its launch, Pont Neuf Records, considered as “one of the most essential house labels of the hexagonal scene” by Mixmag, has gone on participating “in the revival of the genre” (Trax Magazine) by producing a major part of these young producers who now represent this hyperactive and vibrant scene.
For its 4th anniversary, the Parisian label makes no exception to its rule with a new compilation Hexagonal Club, bringing together once again this new French house scene with varied influences, ranging from filtered disco-house to jungle influences, but also through percussive deep house sounds or more broken beat-oriented universes.