Includes Postcard Insert
Imagine a Kerri Chandler track anthropomorphized, then jammed into a Japanese purikura photo booth for a series of bedazzled, glittered, and airbrushed headshots. Imagine that image set to music. What do you hear? Westcoast Goddess' The Inner Snoopy, a frenetic house workout that is puzzlingly contemporary, classic, and alien.
The four-track EP kicks off with the title track, a cloud of cotton candy, supersaturated hot pink, threaded with twinkly bells and a bass shuffle that flips and flops around with cheerful abandon.
“Limelight Golden Age” and “Murder at Passion Cove,” the two tunes that follow, assume a quietly sinister tone, introducing minor-key piano pounds and pinched synth riffs that stretch to the heavens to complicate the overwhelming joyousness of the instrumental palette and arrangement. A subtly ironic 12-inch
that satirizes and lampoons the bubblegum, technicolor sounds from our hyperactive age while hearteningly finding beauty within it all.
Bah—words, words, word! It's wildly fun party music imbued with idiosyncratic humor and life-affirming happiness. Play it loud, play if often.