Die sechste Veröffentlichung auf unserem Impressum zeigt langsam die Art der Sound-Signatur des Labels. Während wir uns gleichzeitig durch verschiedene Genres beugen, ist es das Ziel, einige der interessantesten Ecken und Wege der elektronischen Tanzmusik hervorzuheben.
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The sixth release on our imprint slowly starts to reveal the nature of the label's sound signature. While simultaneously bending through various genres, the aim is to highlight what we see to be some of the most interesting corners and avenues of electronic dance music. For this reason its with great pleasure we present these four tracks bringing us into somewhat darker areas yet keeping an uplifting energy. One genre achieves this feat perfectly: Techno-Trance, and that's what it's all about with this one. Two tunes taken from Wolfgang S' 1995 Album released only on cassette as well as two original, unreleased tunes from around the same time to complete this magnificent EP.