Great Album by Feater
Three’s a charm, as they say. After „Waste The Time“ and „Socialo Blanco“ „Money“ completes Daniel Meuzard’s Feater triptych. Again joined by the likes of Eric Owusu and Sam Irl and their musical as well as technical skills, as well as by the lovely voice of Vilja Larjosto, the ageless beauty and intellectual brilliance of „Money“ is impossible to resist. It could have been imagined, written and recorded almost anytime in the last 50 years. Inspired or - better put - troubled by the rise and transformation of capitalist systems, fatalism, extravism, climate change and - surprise - the power, corruption and lies revolving around money, its topic is anything, but bubblegum. The music though, is ranging from powerful songs to clever synth experiments. Incredibly executed with a perfectly wonderful result. And even if Daniel writes that there is „no need to worry, I want you to panic“, we want you to listen to this album, while you do so! Hats off to Feater.