Brilliant electronic music by SCI+TEC
15 years into its ongoing experimentation that has pushed the sonic fusion between science and technology, SCI+TEC remains at the very forefront of electronic music. From day one Dubfire’s label has continuously forged its own path, with its feet firmly on the dance floor and its sights set on the future. SCI+TEC has consistently championed and encouraged new and unsung talent from around the world, amplifying legions of rising names; Klaudia Gawlas, Gregor Tresher, Carlo Lio, Paul Ritch, SHADED, Reset Robot, Alex Mine, Basti Grub and countless more include SCI+TEC releases in their rich histories. A year after his debut release on the label ‘Butter Twisted Cables’ Romanian DJ and producer Faster is back on the label. The new three-tracker ‘Motivation’ brings exactly what’s needed this year - A drive of ‘Motivation’ after a long time of ‘Contactless’ relationships. Faster started producing Hip Hop at the age of 16, but started taking over the decks once his passion for electronic music grew.