Ex Ponto - In A Quarry...

In A Quarry...

12 Inch

Offen Music / OFFEN 021

Front View : Ex Ponto - In A Quarry... - Offen Music / OFFEN 021
Back View : Ex Ponto - In A Quarry... - Offen Music / OFFEN 021

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Debut on Offen Music

Australian musician, composer and producer Ex Ponto aka Ivan Mašić has self-released dozens of albums with improvisation collective, Council of Elders, and experimental no-wave band, Wunderlust.

For his Offen Music debut Ex Ponto is constructing an alternative civilization of grace, post-sarcasm and intuitive response.

„In A Quarry...Far, Far Away“ is a 15 minutes long wandering with Joseph and August Norster around The Quarry, Beech Forest, Victoria, Australia, January 27, 2020.
Life affirming „Golden Hours“ is an alternative to the general wait for extinction and completition of a suicide program out there. An ode to the moments when sunlight turns magical.
„Shed 14“ is a personal reminiscence of the legendary club in Melbourne.
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