d‰m-funk is the kind of guy who seems like he d make great company: laid-back, affable, personable. but to truly get the guy, to really understand him, is to know a deep love of music like no other. dam s contribution to the dj-kicks series gives you an opportunity to do just that. it s a snapshot view into the mind of the pioneer of modern-funk musicÉ dj-kicks invites you to get to know the man behind the shades. dam makes a lifetime of digging and absorbing music that feels as laid-back as the santa ana breeze. years ago, he coined the term modern funk to give context to his music. the elements of the synth-heavy and multi-layered style are gloriously displayed on dj-kicks. -modern-funk is a combination of all the sounds on the mix,- he explains. -funk, boogie, electro, house, modern-soul, ambient tonesÉ a push and pull of nostalgia and progressiveness...- at a satisfying 19 songs, d‰m-funk s dj-kicks lets grooves breathe. this is a mix to happily get lost within, a document in vibe. unexpected contemporary joints mingle with lost gems from unlikely places. the exclusive d‰m-funk production -believer- makes its debut on dj-kicks, an extensive instrumental composition that on it s own could only be classified as signature modern-funk. the mix also includes dam s excellent collaboration with nite jewel, as nite-funk, on -can u read me?-