dopamine dreams is the latest album by berlin-based french producer cosmo vitelli and california-based dutch experimental electronic musician truus de groot, the driving force behind plus instruments.
viennese electronic music dj, producer and founder of mir records, mike inzinger trades with a wide array of sounds, intersecting ambient, techno, electro, house and acid elements.
to close out the year, life in patterns presents spektrum ii, the second installment in the compilation series curated by ferdinger. the double vinyl release includes a download code.
it s been 7 years since i introduced the first part of this series -mis hermanos rumanos- with sepp and later (part 2) with faster and nu zau. seven years later the saga of romanian brothers grows and continues, it is a pleasure to be able to bring together two good friends and talented artists from the great and already proliferating minimal scene of this country. in this third part we can find a darker and percussive sound, acoustic string instruments and at the same time maintaining the minimalist essence that characterizes acmé. i hope you enjoy this third installment, we really appreciate your support with the purchase of this record, it is very important for us to be able to continue investing in this quality format. i hope to see you somewhere soon, with love, alex font.
kihon ido is a japan based label which means “fundamental movements”. the label aims to tap into fundamentals across dance music styles and eras and contribute high quality records to stand the test of time. the first release from extra covers territory which may be described as deep, hypnotic and textured techno.
diese ep liefert fünf tracks einzigartig südländisch inspirierter moderner elektronik - unerwartet, fesselnd und voller charakter. erwarten sie weitere regelmäßige veröffentlichungen, die ihre erwartungen überraschen und herausfordern werden. für den moment gibt threnode den ton an: eine reise in emotionale, reflektierende klanglandschaften, deren ziel noch unbekannt ist.
after many releases on labels with different techno imprints such as mord, hex, raw, kr/lf and now bpitch control, in his most recent works under black helmet has pushed his sound in a more essential and hypnotic direction, raising the level of processing in rhythm and sound research. that’s what you will find on tempio omega 02.
adventus is the latin word for “coming”, which is a translation of the greek word “parousia”. a symbolic title for the introduction of two new artists to the techno scene - eluna vex & olympios.
glad to present you this hard industrial techno vinyl called paranoid, with a fast (160 to 170bpm approx.), hard, raw and industrial techno, with talented artists from the netherlands, germany and russia.
minimal goovin goodness. vigi is back with a worldwide ep ! four artists from four different continents unite to blend their diverse roots and influences into a superb ep designed for the dance floor and clubs, taking us away from our usual habits and refreshing our familiar frequencies. the result is a range of subtle yet punchy variations in styles and rhythms, all centered around dancefloor-ready minimal tunes that embody vigi s classy and elegant dna.
coloured 2x12 Inch 15.05.24
second part of c418’s beloved minecraft score. limited splattered double vinyl (opaque red with yellow & orange starburst) with download code for the full 30 track set included.
vor über 25 jahren veröffentlichten dj maaco und p dog aka detroit in effect die fiese grüne „only time can stop a dream“ ep auf ihrem m.a.p. label. tracks wie „313 frequency“ und „sike yo mind“, um nur ein paar zu nennen, brachten die tanzflächen von detroit bis europa zum beben! jetzt, wo neue generationen von musikliebhabern fast drei jahrzehnte später die klänge entdecken, die manche heute als vintage bezeichnen würden, halten wir es für richtig, ein paar alte stücke herauszuholen und wieder verfügbar zu machen!
a bold reimagining of scottish folk in a hypermodern soundworld, in a river shadow blends prehistoric instruments, abstract electronics, and environmental recordings into a unique sonic landscape. 100 copies only
opposing rising colder days but in line with greyed-out skies, metamorphism ep by swedish producer dold pays tribute to nature’s brutal, subterranean forces where winter solstice causes the world to look paused and asleep.
ohm & kvadrant return to their home label with two stellar dub techno tracks. the a-side is a mesmerizing melodic dub gem, while the b-side is an exquisite electro-dub masterpiece. limited black vinyl.
second part of the final release from out-er label. limited dubplate edition of 50 copies only, hand-stamped and housed in full colour sleeve. one copy per customer.
2x12 Inch 15.03.21
freestyle associations from jonathan meese over beats and loops from dj hell. limited double vinyl release in hardcover book, including 24-page art book and poster.
getreu der bedeutung des wortes an sich ist mastermind ep eine höchst clevere und komplexe Übung von dunkler und beklemmender, aber auch psychedelischer, magischer und fast ritueller broken-beat-techno-musik.
mit alt014 präsentiert altered circuits seine erste various artists-veröffentlichung. auf dieser cluborientierten 12 inch sind neben dem label mitbegründer drei freunde des labels vertreten.
two tracks on each side, full quality play, twelve tracks in total. collectors item, limited to 300, high grade sleeve design and crafting, exclusive tracks by the likes of carl cox, ivory, skatman, bawrut, rodriguez jr. and marc romboy
30d records feiert ein jahrzehnt der modernen klangforschung. seit seiner gründung ende 2014 und der anfänglichen inspiration durch die science-fiction-kultur der 40er und 50er jahre bietet das label seinen hörern eine breite palette an genres, wobei experimentelle, kreative und zukunftsweisende tanzmusik seine hauptaufgabe ist.
eine neue ep von frak zu hören macht immer noch so viel spaß und inspiriert mich wie das erste mal vor 13 jahren, als ich ihre musik auf einer youtube-playlist fand. dieses mal ist es eine 4-song-ep, die uns auf eine kleine reise durch zeit und raum mitnimmt.